I'm working hard on a new website, but have come to a halt. After much hard work all week ... I've spent way too many hours on this thing. I found out I can't blog from this particular package.
So, I'm back at square one.
And you can't imagine how disappointed I am.
I loved this site. It's gorgeous. I mean beautiful. And I'm going to give it all up.
Yes, I am.
Because, it's not going to allow me to blog. I could just cry. I'm still moving, I'm just going to have to give up my beautiful new page. :**(
I'm not good at this computer stuff y'all. It takes me longer than everybody else. I swear it does. Maybe by the time I finish, I'll be a professional. :) And will be able to do this with my eyes closed.
Yeah. Probably not.
But enough about that. I attended an Romance & Writer's Valentine's Day Party on Facebook. I had a blast doing that. And spent more time on Facebook that night, than I've spent in three months combined. But I met some new authors, won a book from one of my favorite authors, and just had a really good time talking to everyone.
I was thinking about hosting one. But it will take a lot of work. I would have to get some authors to come. Will y'all come if I host it? And what would be a good time to do it?
I know I have trouble with the comments here. That's why I'm moving as soon as I can get my new page going.
I'll let you know the minute that happens. :)
Have a wonderful week.
Don't forget to leave a comment. Or at least try! And thank you so much for stopping by.
See!!! I forgot to post a picture and had to repost the same content in order to get the picture I wanted. Still it isn't showing up on FB. Why can't I do this stuff right?!?! I just need to stick to writing, ya'll. Thank you for being patient with me :)