Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What I would do differently!

Publishing a novel was a whole lot more challenging than I ever imagined it would be. There are definitely things I would do differently.

1. I was in such a hurry to get it published before Christmas. Although, my personal sales were great because I was able to get them in time for Christmas, I wish I would've taken more time to get things exactly right.

2. What in the world am I doing? Shouldn't the publishing company tell you everything? They treated me like I knew what I was doing. I had no idea. I still don't. I remember when I submitted my final manuscript for publication, I was on the verge of tears for over 3 hours. This putting your work out there for the world to see, including your friends and family is very stressful stuff. What if no one likes it? What if I missed something really big? Or made some awful errors, that I didn't catch. Y'all I'm too scared to read through my book for fear that I'll find some! I worked really hard to make sure there were none, but I know I missed something. But please don't look for them.
And Please don't tell me if you find one.

3. Where is my Kindle edition? It's taking a lot longer than I was told. Would I have waited until the kindle edition went live before I started my own personal marketing ... It's pitiful really. Then on top of that, marketing won't start for at least a few more weeks. Maybe that's a good thing though. It's giving me time to breathe.

4. There were some important details left out. I am so thankful for a group of friends who were so supportive and encouraging as they joined me on my journey with "Broken Butterfly". Chris Drew, Danielle Rush, Kristin Paul, Lauren Blake, Lois Arbie, Susan Stuckey & Terrence Mack.
And to my editor, Jennifer Slattery with Words That Keep, for her awesome feedback and support to help me bring my manuscript to a publishable state.

I will learn from this experience and make sure I don't make the same mistakes twice.
Photo credits: Brooklyn Patterson

Thank you all so much for your support. I have received so many notes, text msgs, fb msgs, phone calls, Amazon reviews, and even some word of mouth from others with awesome words of encouragement about my book. This means so very much to me.

I'm so glad you dropped by. Have a great first week of the new year!

Cindy :)


  1. Great post, Cindy. I'm sure every first-time published writer has these exact (if not similar!) experiences. I know I did. I'm very excited to have the Christmas break celebrated and over and now I can start to read my very own copy of Broken Butterfly. I'm going to start it this weekend.

    1. Thank you so much!! It's an overwhelming experience. I'm so excited to be able to read yours all the way through from beginning to end :)
